Woman's Ministries

Women's Ministries

Women are vital to a healthy church. In the Bible, it was the women who stuck by Jesus as he died on the cross. It was the women who discovered that Jesus rose from the dead and told the disciples. And it was the women who faithfully served in the early church in partnership with the apostles and elders. The early church was radical in that it encouraged women to learn about theology and Jesus, encouraged them to serve and help build the church, and deemed women as equal image bearers of God, with distinct roles. Main Street Women’s Ministries is focused on helping women grow more deeply in their love of Jesus, grow in their knowledge of the Bible, and get connected with one another in community with the ultimate goal of creating disciples of Jesus who make other disciples.

An Overview of Ministries

Mother Ministry

We love the mothers. They are the ones who nurture and help us develop into who we become. So we want to make sure they are taken care of in a very special way. We have Mother's Day Out, Meals for Moms, and several other ministires available to mothers. To learn more, email moms@mainstreetchurchfakeurl.com.

Divorce Ministries

Sometimes things don't end up the way you like. Life can be disrupted by a number of things, and we are here to help.

Early Sunday Worship 8:00 AM
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Traditional Sunday Worship 11:00 AM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM
Bible Study 7:00 PM
1st Thursday
First-Thursday Womens' Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM